The Big Bang

The Big Bang

“Faca.”I frowned.“Faca.” She repeated, this time adding a hand gesture.It took me another split second before it dawned on me that she was asking for a knife. A big one. I nodded and walked inside. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This story, although it ended last week Saturday, started at the beginning of the […]

Pruning the Olive Trees

“In many ways, the word “creativity” has been in a cultural pigeonhole; its association with the fine arts has led people to believe they are not creative if they are not involved in painting, music, dance, poetry, or the visual arts. This categorization has undermined the brilliance of a large portion of the population. It […]

Deadlines & Pandemics

Deadlines & Pandemics

“The course of life depends on how you react to opportunities and challenges that randomness presents to you.” – Leonard Mlodinow When Michael returned from his trip to the land at the end of January he was adament that I should join him on the next one, as working alone is always harder and more […]