Battling Brambles

Battling Brambles

“A silence where you interact with your thoughts is also a sacred act, a way of owning your interior being. Sometimes you need to wade through your thoughts in order to let them settle.” –  Heather McRae-Woolf Brambles, producing delicate flowers in spring and juicy fruit in summer, are mostly a web of thorns growing […]

São Pedro de Vir-a-Corça – Monsanto

São Pedro de Vir-a-Corça – Monsanto

Surrounded by a cork oak forest and giant granite boulders, the chapel of São Pedro de Vir-a-Corça looks small and plain. Insignificant even, as it is the landscape that makes the strongest impression on visitors. It feels wild, mysterious, and ancient. The inselberg, against whose flank this chapel nestles, rises sharply from the surrounding landscape […]

Feliz Natal

Feliz Natal

I’m told that it is tradition for families in Portugal to gather on the 24th of December, and like in most cultures it is the dinner table around which it happens. It doesn’t come as a surprise then that the Catholic Church recommends a period of fasting before Christmas. Families gather after Midnight Mass on the […]

To Pause

To Pause

“. . . the degree of our awareness is the degree of our aliveness. What is invisible to me is what I have not yet learned how to see. The invisible becomes visible through our attention, through stillness, through silence. And patience.”   – Terry Tempest Williams November was filled with a bounty of mushrooms and […]