“We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do. “
– Barbara Ward –

We learned in April that land clearing is not the same as gardening, and that we will have to approach it in a more efficient way. Our visits are short, and we always have more we would like to do than what we have time for, so when Michael visited the land in November, one of the duties on his list was to supervise some land clearing, as we have lots of broom and brambles growing wild on the land, choking many tiny cork oaks and posing a fire risk.

Never having burnt anything in our lives, except from stoking a fire for a good old South African braai, we were a bit hesitant to burn the cleared broom. Having made use of Frank the Digger for digging work in July, we knew just the man to call on for this job. The best part is that Frank needs no supervision, as he understands the job, which enabled Michael to focus on getting work inside the house done.

If you are in the Castelo Branco area of Portugal, and you need digging or land clearing work done, give Frank a call: +351938741587
Written by: Jolandi
November visit 2018
It is amazing how quickly a skilled digger driver can clear land! We had our pond cleared a few years ago and it was done in a couple of hours!
A very happy new year to you both!
Thank you, Clare. And a very happy new year to you too. I agree with you. It is important to get the right equipment and person in for a job.
Flank looks like a happy camper on his little digger at the task of building you guys a golf course :-))
Now seriously, far too many people in Portugal underestimate the importance of clearing their land before the hot and dry season comes along and, almost inevitably, suffer later on with the aftermath of the wildfires that rage through Portugal almost every summer.
Congratulations for doing the right thing at the right time.
Hahahaha! Thank you, Alex. Yip, the last thing we want is fire on our land. And I say, good riddance to those clumps of broom. It will be interesting to see how the little cork oaks will grow now that they have breathing space.
Happy New Year, Jolandi.
Very happy to see Frank the Digger again 🙂
It must have been hard work, but it’s wonderful to see the progress. I hope both of you have a good start to 2019!
Thank you so much, Takami. And a very happy 2019 for you and your husband too. It is indeed wonderful to see progress, no matter how small.